Weekly naturist swim is back
Updated: Sep 24, 2021
this week was the first naturist swim for East Sussex Naturists at the new location of Seaford pool. The previous pool decided that they would give the time slot to another group and that meant the naturist swim was left without a pool.
All the local pools had no slot available as they want to stay open longer to get more members of the general public in so booking for a club to swim was out.
After months of trying a new location was found at Seaford. The pool is set in the grounds of the Seaford Head school and is run by Wave Leisure.
The group arrived from 2.30 pm to swim at 2.45pm. 15 people attended including myself. The pool temp said it was 28 but i feel it was nearer 20 as they was using an infrared temp device to check the pool water and they dont work on water temp. Even though it was a little cool the swimmers all seemed to enjoy it and it was great to feel like normality had returned.
There was even a chance for me to take a group picture of those that was happy to be in a picture.

To rsvp a place at one of he swims head over to their website https://naturists.wixsite.com/eastsussexnaturists/calendar